可以在运行时动态的圈住一组机器实例,而 静态规则打标
本文要讲的就是标签路由规则就是 动态规则打标
举个例子,如果我们将一个应用进行打标,打标后划分为 tag-a、tag-b、无 tag 三个地址子集,则访问这个应用的流量,要么路由到 tag-a (当请求上下文 dubbo.tag=tag-a),要么路由到 tag-b (dubbo.tag=tag-b),或者路由到无 tag 的地址子集 (dubbo.tag 未设置),不会出现混调的情况。
标签路由的作用域是提供者应用,消费者应用无需配置标签路由规则。一个提供者应用内的所有服务只能有一条分组规则,不会有服务 A 使用一条路由规则、服务 B 使用另一条路由规则的情况出现。以下条件路由示例,在 shop-detail
应用中圈出了一个隔离环境 gray
环境包含所有带有 env=gray
configVersion: v3.0
force: true
enabled: true
key: shop-detail
- name: gray
- key: env
exact: gray
Field | Type | Description | Required |
configVersion | string | The version of the tag rule definition, currently available version is v3.0 | Yes |
key | string | The identifier of the target application that this rule is about to control | Yes |
enabled | bool | Whether enable this rule or not, set enabled:false to disable this rule. | Yes |
tags | Tag[] | The tag definition of this rule. | Yes |
force | bool | The behaviour when the instance subset is empty after routing. true means return no provider exception while false means fallback to subset without any tags. | No |
runtime | bool | Whether run routing rule for every rpc invocation or use routing cache if available. | No |
标签定义,根据 match
Field | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name of the tag used to match the dubbo.tag value in the request context. | Yes |
match | MatchCondition | A set of criterion to be met for instances to be classified as member of this tag. | No |
定义实例过滤条件,根据 Dubbo URL 地址中的特定参数进行过滤。
Field | Type | Description | Required |
key | string | The name of the key in the Dubbo url address. | Yes |
value | StringMatch (oneof) | The matching condition for the value in the Dubbo url address. | Yes |