Install Dubbo Admin and Governance Components

Dubbo Control Plane is the core dependency for microservice governance. This document describes how to quickly install the Dubbo Admin control plane, console, and components such as service discovery and monitoring.

Dubboctl Installation


Download the Dubbo Admin release version

curl -L | VERSION=0.1.0 sh -
# Admin needs to organize the release versions well

Put dubboctl into the executable path

ln -s dubbo-admin-0.1.0/bin/dubboctl /usr/local/bin/dubboctl


The installation process will sequentially:

  1. Install some resources customized by Admin
  2. Pull up different component services such as Admin, Nacos, Zookeeper, etc.
dubboctl install # Install using default manifests

# or

dubboctl manifests | kubectl apply -f -
dubboctl install --set profile=minimal # Specify a different profile, i.e., combination of installation components
dubboctl install --set admin.nacos.enabled=true, admin.nacos.namespace=test
# Specify different override parameters

Check the installation result

kubectl get pod -n dubbo-system

Open the Admin Console

kubectl port-forward svc/dubbo-admin -n dubbo-system 38080:38080

Open your browser and visit:

Helm Installation


$ helm repo add dubbo
$ helm repo update

Installation Steps

Method One

helm install dubbo-admin dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system

helm install dubbo-admin-nacos dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system

helm install dubbo-admin-zookeeper dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system
helm install dubbo-admin-grafana dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system

helm install dubbo-admin-prometheus dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system

Method Two

helm install dubbo-admin-all dubbo/dubbo-stack -n dubbo-system

Issue. It needs to be clear which components are production-ready and which are for display only, such as nacos/zookeeper/admin for production readiness, prometheus/grafana for display only. Based on the above conclusion, in most cases, dubbo-admin-all is not recommended for production installation; more recommended is using similar dubbo-admin-nacos production-ready package and using the prometheus community production installation package yourself.

Check the installation status

helm ls -n dubbo-system

kubectl get deployments -n dubbo-system --output wide

VM Installation


Download the Dubbo Admin release version

curl -L | VERSION=0.1.0 sh -
# Admin needs to organize the release versions well

Put dubboctl into the executable path

ln -s dubbo-admin-0.1.0/bin/dubbo-admin /usr/local/bin/dubbo-admin


dubbo-admin run -f override-configuration.yml


Configure to control the behavior of dubbo-admin