Triple Rest User Manual

This article is the user manual for Triple Rest


Since the Dubbo version 3.3, the Triple protocol reuses the existing HTTP protocol stack, achieving comprehensive REST-style service export capabilities. Users can decentralize directly to access backend Triple protocol services via HTTP protocol without using generic or gateway layer protocol conversion or configuration. Additionally, rich annotations and SPI extension support is provided for advanced REST usage, such as path customization, output format customization, and exception handling. Key features include:

  • Triple Protocol Integration
    Reuses the existing Triple HTTP protocol stack, requiring no additional configuration or new ports to simultaneously support HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 protocols.

  • Decentralization
    Allows direct exposure of REST APIs without relying on gateway applications for traffic forwarding, thereby improving performance and reducing stability risks caused by gateways. Security issues can be resolved through internal application extensions, a practice already validated within Taobao’s MTOP.

  • Support for Existing Servlet Facilities
    Supports Servlet API and Filters, allowing users to reuse existing security components based on the Servlet API. Integration with security frameworks like OAuth and Spring Security can be easily achieved by implementing a Servlet Filter.

  • Multiple Dialects
    Considering that most users are accustomed to using SpringMVC or JAX-RS for REST API development, Triple Rest allows for continued use of these methods to define services and supports most of the extensions and exception handling mechanisms (providing more than 80% of the functionality of the original framework). For users pursuing a lightweight solution, the Basic dialect can be used. The out-of-the-box REST access capability of Triple is based on this dialect for service exposure.

  • Strong Extensibility
    Provides more than 20 extension points, enabling users to not only easily create custom dialects but also flexibly customize parameter retrieval, type conversion, error handling, and other logic.

  • Out-of-the-Box
    REST capabilities are available out-of-the-box; by simply enabling the Triple protocol, you gain direct REST service access capabilities.

  • High-Performance Routing
    Uses an optimized Radix Tree and Zero Copy technology to enhance routing performance.

  • Seamless OpenAPI Integration (TBD)
    OpenAPI integration is nearing completion, providing support for exporting OpenAPI Schemas out-of-the-box. By introducing the Swagger dependency, you can use a web UI for service testing. With OpenAPI Schema, tools like Postman and Apifox can be used to manage and test APIs, enabling easy cross-language calls through the OpenAPI ecosystem. In the future, further support for the Schema-First approach will be implemented, allowing teams to first define OpenAPI together with frontend teams. The frontend can generate calling code and mocks based on OpenAPI, while the backend uses OpenAPI to generate stubs for service development, greatly improving collaboration efficiency.

Quick Start

Let’s start with a simple example to understand Triple Rest. You can directly download existing sample projects to get started quickly, assuming you have Java, Maven, and Git installed.

Download and Run Sample

# Get sample code
git clone --depth=1
cd dubbo-samples/2-advanced/dubbo-samples-triple-rest/dubbo-samples-triple-rest-basic
# Run directly
mvn spring-boot:run
# Or package and run
mvn clean package -DskipTests
java -jar target/dubbo-samples-triple-rest-basic-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Of course, you can also import the project directly using an IDE and execute to run.

Sample Code

// Service Interface


public interface DemoService {
    String hello(String name);

    @Mapping(path = "/hi", method = HttpMethods.POST)
    String hello(User user, @Param(value = "c", type = ParamType.Header) int count);

// Service Implementation
public class DemoServiceImpl implements DemoService {
    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;

    public String hello(User user, int count) {
        return "Hello " + user.getTitle() + ". " + user.getName() + ", " + count;

// Model
public class User {
    private String title;
    private String name;

Test Basic Service

curl -v ""
# Output as follows
#> GET / HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
#> Accept: */*
#* Request completely sent off
#< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#< content-type: application/json
#< alt-svc: h2=":8081"
#< content-length: 13
#"Hello world"

Code Explanation:
You can see the output “Hello world”. The double quotes are due to the default output content-type being application/json.
This example demonstrates that Triple by default exports services to /{serviceInterface}/{methodName} and supports passing parameters via URL.

Test Advanced Service

curl -v -H "c: 3" -d 'name=Yang' ""
# Output as follows
#> POST / HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
#> Accept: */*
#> c: 3
#> Content-Length: 9
#> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#* upload completely sent off: 9 bytes
#< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
#< content-type: text/plain
#< alt-svc: h2=":8081"
#< content-length: 17
#Hello Mr. Yang, 3

Code Explanation:
You can see the output Hello Mr. Yang, 3. The absence of double quotes is because the output is specified as text/plain due to the use of the .txt suffix.
This example illustrates how to customize paths using the Mapping annotation, which allows for the customization of parameter sources, and supports passing parameters through post body or URL. For detailed explanations, see: Basic Usage Guide.

Log Observation

You can enable debug logging to understand the startup and response request process of REST.

    "org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.tri": debug
    "org.apache.dubbo.remoting": debug

Once enabled, you can observe the Rest mapping registration and request response process.

# Register mapping
DEBUG o.a.d.r.p.t.TripleProtocol               :  [DUBBO] Register triple grpc mapping: '' -> invoker[tri://]
 INFO .r.p.t.r.m.DefaultRequestMappingRegistry :  [DUBBO] BasicRequestMappingResolver resolving rest mappings for ServiceMeta{, service=DemoServiceImpl@2a8f6e6} at url [tri://]
DEBUG .r.p.t.r.m.DefaultRequestMappingRegistry :  [DUBBO] Register rest mapping: '/' -> mapping=RequestMapping{name='DemoServiceImpl#hello', path=PathCondition{paths=[]}, methods=MethodsCondition{methods=[POST]}}, method=MethodMeta{, int), service=DemoServiceImpl@2a8f6e6}
DEBUG .r.p.t.r.m.DefaultRequestMappingRegistry :  [DUBBO] Register rest mapping: '/' -> mapping=RequestMapping{name='DemoServiceImpl#hello~S', path=PathCondition{paths=[]}}, method=MethodMeta{, service=DemoServiceImpl@2a8f6e6}
 INFO .r.p.t.r.m.DefaultRequestMappingRegistry :  [DUBBO] Registered 2 REST mappings for service [DemoServiceImpl@44627686] at url [tri://] in 11ms

# Request Response
DEBUG .a.d.r.p.t.r.m.RestRequestHandlerMapping :  [DUBBO] Received http request: DefaultHttpRequest{method='POST', uri='/', contentType='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
DEBUG .r.p.t.r.m.DefaultRequestMappingRegistry :  [DUBBO] Matched rest mapping=RequestMapping{name='DemoServiceImpl#hello', path=PathCondition{paths=[/]}, methods=MethodsCondition{methods=[POST]}}, method=MethodMeta{, int), service=DemoServiceImpl@2a8f6e6}
DEBUG .a.d.r.p.t.r.m.RestRequestHandlerMapping :  [DUBBO] Content-type negotiate result: request='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', response='text/plain'
DEBUG .d.r.h.AbstractServerHttpChannelObserver :  [DUBBO] Http response body is: '"Hello Mr. Yang, 3"'
DEBUG .d.r.h.AbstractServerHttpChannelObserver :  [DUBBO] Http response headers sent: {:status=[200], content-type=[text/plain], alt-svc=[h2=":8081"], content-length=[17]}

General Functionality

Path Mapping

Compatible with SpringMVC and JAX-RS mapping methods. Relevant documentation:

It also supports custom path mapping through the SPI

Supported Patterns

  1. books: String constant, the most basic type, matches a fixed segment.
  2. ?: Matches a single character.
  3. *: Matches zero or more characters in a path segment.
  4. **: Matches zero or more path segments until the end of the path.
  5. {spring}: Matches a path segment and captures it as a variable named “spring”.
  6. {spring:[a-z]+}: Matches a path segment using the regex [a-z]+ and captures it as a path variable named “spring”.
  7. {*spring}: Matches zero or more path segments until the end, capturing them as a variable named “spring”; if written as {*}, it indicates no capture.

Examples (from Spring documentation)

  • /pages/t?st.html — Matches /pages/test.html and /pages/tXst.html, but not /pages/toast.html.
  • /resources/*.png — Matches all .png files in the resources directory.
  • com/**/test.jsp — Matches all test.jsp files under the com path.
  • org/springframework/**/*.jsp — Matches all .jsp files under the org/springframework path.
  • /resources/** — Matches all files under the /resources/ path, including /resources/image.png and /resources/css/spring.css.
  • /resources/{*path} — Matches all files under /resources/ and captures their relative paths in a variable named “path”.
  • /resources/{filename:\\w+}.dat — Matches /resources/spring.dat and assigns “spring” to the filename variable.
  • /{name:[a-z-]+}-{version:\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d}{ext:\\.[a-z]+} — Matches /example-2.1.5.html where name is example, version is 2.1.5, and ext is .html.

A little tip: if you use regex and want to avoid crossing segments, you can use {name:[^/]+} to match.

Complete Process of Mapping Matching

The specific matching processing code:

  1. Use PathUtils.normalize to clean the path, removing indirect paths such as /one/../ and ensuring it starts with /.
  2. Check if the http method matches.
  3. Check if the path matches.
  4. Check if the parameter matches (JAX-RS does not support this).
  5. Check if the header matches.
  6. Check if the content-type matches (Consumes).
  7. Check if the accept matches (Produces).
  8. Check if the serviceGroup and serviceVersion match.
  9. Check if the method initial signature matches.
  10. If no matches were found and tailing / matching is enabled, try removing the tailing / to see if it matches from step 2.
  11. If no matches were found, and suffix matching is enabled and supported, try removing the suffix to see if it matches from step 2.
  12. If the last path segment contains ~, indicating initial method signature matching is enabled, try matching from step 2.
  13. If there are zero candidates, the matching ends and returns null.
  14. If there are candidates, the matching ends and returns the hit item.
  15. If more than one candidate, sort the candidates.
  16. Perform sequential comparison between the first and second items.
  17. A result of 0 indicates the final match cannot be confirmed, throwing an exception.
  18. If the first item wins, match ends and return the hit item.

Path Duplication Issue

Unlike Spring, which reports errors and prevents startup when paths are identical, Triple Rest has out-of-the-box characteristics. To avoid affecting existing services, by default it only logs WARN messages. At runtime, if it cannot ultimately determine the highest priority mapping, it throws an error.

Parameter Types

Different dialects support different parameter types; details can be found in various dialect user guides.
It also supports custom parameter parsing by implementing the SPI

General Type Parameters

NameDescriptionBasic AnnotationSpringMVC AnnotationJAX-RS AnnotationArray/Collection HandlingMap Handling
ParamQuery or Form parameter@Param@RequestParam-Multi-valueAll params as Map
QueryURL parameters--@QueryParamMulti-valueAll Query params as Map
FormForm parameters--@FormParamMulti-valueAll Form params as Map
HeaderHTTP header@Param(type=Header)@RequestHeader@HeaderParamMulti-valueAll Header params as Map
CookieCookie values@Param(type=Cookie)@CookieValue@CookieParamMulti-valueAll Cookie params as Map
AttributeRequest attribute@Param(type=Attribute)@RequestAttribute-Multi-valueAll Attributes as Map
PartMultipart file@Param(type=Part)@RequestHeader@HeaderParamMulti-valueAll Parts as Map
BodyRequest body@Param(type=Body)@RequestBody@BodyAttempt to parse as array or collectionAttempt to parse to target type
PathVariablePath variable@Param(type=PathVariable)@PathVariable@PathParamSingle-value array or collectionSingle-value Map
MatrixVariableMatrix variable@Param(type=MatrixVariable)@MatrixVariable@MatrixParamMulti-valueSingle-value Map
BeanJava beanNo annotation@ModelAttribute@BeanParamAttempt to parse as Bean array or collection-

Special Type Parameters

TypeDescriptionActivation Condition
org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.HttpRequestHttpRequest objectDefault activated
org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.HttpResponseHttpResponse objectDefault activated
org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.HttpMethodsRequest Http methodDefault activated
java.util.LocaleRequest LocaleDefault activated Input streamDefault activated Output streamDefault activated
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestServlet HttpRequest objectInclude Servlet API jar
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseServlet HttpResponse objectSame as above
javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionServlet HttpSession objectSame as above
javax.servlet.http.CookieServlet Cookie objectSame as above Request Reader objectSame as above Response Writer objectSame as above

Parameters Without Annotations

Different dialects handle this differently; please refer to each dialect’s user instructions.

Accessing HTTP Input and Output Parameters Without Parameters

You can access them via RpcContext.

// Dubbo http req/resp
HttpRequest request = RpcContext.getServiceContext().getRequest(HttpRequest.class);
HttpResponse response = RpcContext.getServiceContext().getRequest(HttpResponse.class);
// Servlet http req/resp
HttpServletRequest request = RpcContext.getServiceContext().getRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
HttpServletResponse response = RpcContext.getServiceContext().getRequest(HttpServletResponse.class);

After obtaining the request, you can access some built-in attributes through attributes; see:

Parameter Type Conversion

By default, most parameter type conversions from String to target type are supported, including the following major categories:

  • Java built-in types, including primitive types and dates, Optionals, etc.
  • Array types
  • Collection types
  • Map types

It fully supports generic types, including complex nesting. For specific implementation code, see:
It also supports custom parameter type conversion by implementing the SPI

Source TypeTarget TypeDescriptionDefault Value
StringdoubleConverts to a double0.0d
StringfloatConverts to a float0.0f
StringlongConverts to a long0L
StringintConverts to an integer0
StringshortConverts to a short0
StringcharConverts to a character0
StringbyteConverts to a byte0
StringbooleanConverts to a booleanfalse
StringBigIntegerConverts to a BigIntegernull
StringBigDecimalConverts to a BigDecimalnull
StringDateConverts to a Datenull
StringCalendarConverts to a Calendarnull
StringTimestampConverts to a Timestampnull
StringInstantConverts to an Instantnull
StringZonedDateTimeConverts to a ZonedDateTimenull
StringLocalDateConverts to a LocalDatenull
StringLocalTimeConverts to a LocalTimenull
StringLocalDateTimeConverts to a LocalDateTimenull
StringZoneIdConverts to a ZoneIdnull
StringTimeZoneConverts to a TimeZonenull
StringFileConverts to a Filenull
StringPathConverts to a Pathnull
StringCharsetConverts to a Charsetnull
StringInetAddressConverts to an InetAddressnull
StringURIConverts to a URInull
StringURLConverts to a URLnull
StringUUIDConverts to a UUIDnull
StringLocaleConverts to a Localenull
StringCurrencyConverts to a Currencynull
StringPatternConverts to a Patternnull
StringClassConverts to a Classnull
Stringbyte[]Converts to a byte arraynull
Stringchar[]Converts to a char arraynull
StringOptionalIntConverts to an OptionalIntnull
StringOptionalLongConverts to an OptionalLongnull
StringOptionalDoubleConverts to an OptionalDoublenull
StringEnum classEnum.valueOfnull
StringArray or CollectionSplit by commanull
StringSpecified classTry JSON String to Objectnull
StringSpecified classTry construct with single Stringnull
StringSpecified classTry call static method valueOfnull

Supported Content-Type

By default, the following Content-Type is supported, providing corresponding encoding and decoding functionality.
It also supports extending by implementing the SPI org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.message.(HttpMessageDecoderFactory|HttpMessageEncoderFactory).

Media TypeDescription
application/jsonJSON format
application/xmlXML format
application/yamlYAML format
application/octet-streamBinary data
application/grpcgRPC format
application/grpc+protogRPC with Protocol Buffers
application/x-www-form-urlencodedURL-encoded form data
multipart/form-dataForm data with file upload
text/jsonJSON format as text
text/xmlXML format as text
text/yamlYAML format as text
text/cssCSS format
text/javascriptJavaScript format as text
text/htmlHTML format
text/plainPlain text

Content Negotiation

Supports a complete content negotiation mechanism, which can negotiate the output Content-Type based on mappings or input, with the following process:

  1. Try to read mediaType specified by the Mapping, obtaining the list of mediaTypes specified by Produces, and wildcard matching to suitable Media Type. For example, Spring’s: @RequestMapping(produces = "application/json").
  2. Try to find mediaType through the Accept header, parsing the incoming Accept header and wildcard matching to suitable Media Type. For example: Accept: application/json.
  3. Try to find mediaType through format parameter, reading format parameter values to match suitable Media Type as file suffix. For example /hello?format=yml.
  4. Try to find mediaType through the extension of the request path, matching the suffix as a file extension suitable Media Type. For example /hello.txt.
  5. Try to read the Content-Type header of the request as Media Type (excluding form types). For example Content-Type: application/json.
  6. Use application/json as fallback.

CORS Support

Provides complete CORS support, which can be enabled by configuring global parameters; the default behavior is consistent with SpringMVC. Additionally, in SpringMVC dialects, there is support for fine-tuned configuration through @CrossOrigin.
Supported CORS configuration items can be referred to: 8.4 CORS Configuration.

Custom HTTP Output

Many scenarios require custom HTTP output, such as performing 302 redirects or writing HTTP headers. For this, Triple Rest provides the following generic solutions and also supports specific methods in various dialects. Please refer to the respective dialect user guides.

  • Set the return value to: org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.HttpResult; you can build via HttpResult#builder.
  • Throw Payload exception: throw new org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.exception.HttpResultPayloadException(HttpResult) Example code:
throw new HttpResult.found("").toPayload();

This exception avoids filling erroneous stack traces, has little impact on performance, and does not require considering return value logic; this method is recommended for customizing output.

  • Obtain HttpResponse and customize, example code:
HttpResponse response = RpcContext.getServiceContext().getRequest(HttpResponse.class);

// It is recommended to call commit after writing to avoid being overridden by other extensions

If only adding http header, this method is recommended.

Custom JSON Parsing and Output

Supports various JSON frameworks such as Jackson, fastjson2, fastjson, and gson etc.; please ensure that the corresponding jar dependencies are included before use.

Specify the JSON Framework to Use

Customize using JsonUtil SPI

You can customize JSON handling by implementing the SPI org.apache.dubbo.common.json.JsonUtil; specific implementations can be referenced from org/apache/dubbo/common/json/impl. It is recommended to inherit existing implementations and override them.

Exception Handling

Unhandled exceptions are ultimately converted into the encoded ErrorResponse class and output:

public class ErrorResponse {
     * http status code
    private String status;

     * exception message
    private String message;

Note: For errors 500 and above, to avoid leaking internal server information, only the message “Internal Server Error” will be output by default. If you need to customize the message, create a custom exception inheriting from org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.exception.HttpStatusException and override the getDisplayMessage method.
The following utilities are provided for customizing exception handling:

  • Refer to 9.2 Custom Exception Return Results for using SPI to customize global exception handling.
  • Use Dubbo’s Filter SPI to process and convert exceptions; if access to the Http context is needed, inherit
  • Use the SPI to convert exceptions; this is lightweight and provides path-matching capabilities.

Note: The last two methods can only intercept exceptions occurring in the invoke chain; if an exception occurs during the path-matching stage, only method 1 can handle it.

Basic Usage Guide

See examples: dubbo-samples-triple-rest/dubbo-samples-triple-rest-basic.

Path Mapping

Basic, as an out-of-the-box REST mapping, will default to map methods to: /{contextPath}/{serviceInterface}/{methodName}. If /{contextPath} is not configured, it will be ignored, thus resulting in: /{serviceInterface}/{methodName}.
Custom mapping is supported through the annotation, with the following property descriptions:

Configuration NameDescriptionDefault Behavior
valueMapped URL path, can be one or more paths.Empty array
pathMapped URL path, same as value, can be one or more paths.Empty array
methodList of supported HTTP methods, e.g. GET, POST, etc.Empty array (supports all methods)
paramsList of parameters that must be included in the request.Empty array
headersList of headers that must be included in the request.Empty array
consumesContent types (Content-Type) for processing requests, can be one or more types.Empty array
producesContent types (Content-Type) generated for responses, can be one or more types.Empty array
enabledWhether to enable this mapping.true (enabled)
  • Properties support configuration using placeholders: @Mapping("${prefix}/hi").
  • If you do not want a specific service or method to be exported as REST, you can set @Mapping(enabled = false) to resolve the issue.

Parameter Types

General parameters can be referred to in: 3.2 Parameter Types.

Parameters Without Annotations

Basic’s unannotated parameters are supported by the class: and the detailed processing flow is as follows:

SpringMVC Usage Guide

See examples: dubbo-samples-triple-rest/dubbo-samples-triple-rest-springmvc.

Path Mapping

Directly refer to SpringMVC documentation, supporting most features: Mapping Requests :: Spring Framework.
Note that there is no need for @Controller or @RestController annotations; in addition to @RequestMapping, a new @HttpExchange is also supported.

Parameter Types

General Parameters

See: 3.2 Parameter Types.

Annotated Type Parameters

Refer to 3.2.1 General Type Parameters.

Special Type Parameters

TypeDescriptionActivation Condition
org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequestWebRequest objectInclude SpringWeb dependency
org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequestNativeWebRequest objectSame as above
org.springframework.http.HttpEntityHTTP entitySame as above
org.springframework.http.HttpHeadersHTTP headersSame as above
org.springframework.util.MultiValueMapMulti-value mapSame as above

Parameters Without Annotations

Parameter Type Conversion

Prioritize using Spring’s org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService to convert parameters; if the application is a Spring Boot application, mvcConversionService will be used by default; otherwise, obtain the shared ConversionService through
If ConversionService does not support it, it will fall back to general type conversion: 3.3 Parameter Type Conversion.

Exception Handling

In addition to supporting the methods mentioned in 3.8 Exception Handling, it also supports the Spring @ExceptionHandler annotation method: Exceptions :: Spring Framework. Note that using this method can only handle exceptions thrown during method calls; other exceptions cannot be caught.

CORS Configuration

In addition to supporting global configuration for 8.4 CORS Configuration, it also supports Spring @CrossOrigin for fine-tuning configuration: CORS :: Spring Framework.

Custom HTTP Output

Supports the following Spring customization methods:

  1. Use @ResponseStatus annotation.
  2. Return org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity object.

Supported Extensibility

JAX-RS Usage Guide

See examples: dubbo-samples-triple-rest/dubbo-samples-triple-rest-jaxrs.

Path Mapping

The service needs to explicitly add the @Path annotation, and methods need to add request method annotations like @GET, @POST, @HEAD, etc.
Directly refer to the Resteasy documentation, supporting most features: Chapter 4. Using @Path and @GET, @POST, etc.

Parameter Types

General Parameters

See: 3.2 Parameter Types.

Annotated Type Parameters

AnnotationParameter LocationDescription
@QueryParamquerystringCorresponding parameters to ?a=a&b=b
@FormParamformBody in the format key1=value2&key2=value2
Without annotationbodyNot explicitly using an annotation

Special Type Parameters

TypeDescriptionActivation Condition objectInclude Jax-rs dependencies objectSame as above HeadersSame as above typeSame as above mapSame as above informationSame as above

Parameters Without Annotations

  • For basic types (determined by TypeUtils#isSimpleProperty), get them directly from the Parameter.
  • For non-basic types, treat them as request body (body) to decode into an object.

Parameter Type Conversion

You can extend to customize parameter conversion using the extension interface:

Exception Handling

You can extend to customize exception handling using the extension interface:

CORS Configuration

Supports global configuration for 8.4 CORS Configuration.

Custom HTTP Output

Supports the following JAX-RS customization methods:

  • Return object.

Supported Extensions

    Request filters that allow preprocessing requests before they reach resource methods.
    Response filters that allow post-processing of responses after they leave resource methods.
    Exception mappers that map thrown exceptions to HTTP responses.
    Parameter converters that allow converting request parameters to resource method parameter types.
    Read interceptors that allow interception and processing when reading request entities.
    Write interceptors that allow interception and processing when writing response entities.

Servlet Usage Guide

Supports both low-version javax and high-version jakarta servlet APIs, with priority given to jakarta APIs. Just include the JAR to use HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse as parameters.

Using Filter Extensions

Method 1: Implement the Filter interface and interface, then register SPI.


import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;

public class DemoFilter implements Filter, RestExtension {
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) {
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public String[] getPatterns() {
        return new String[]{"/demo/**", "!/demo/one"};

    public int getPriority() {
        return -200;

Method 2: Implement the Supplier<Filter> interface and interface, then register SPI.

public class DemoFilter implements Supplier<Filter>, RestExtension {

    private final Filter filter = new SsoFilter();

    public Filter get() {
        return filter;

This method is very convenient for reusing existing filters and allows obtaining Filter instances from Spring Context and registering.

public class DemoFilter implements Supplier<Filter>, RestExtension {

    private final Filter filter = new SsoFilter();

    public DemoFilter(FrameworkModel frameworkModel) {
        SpringExtensionInjector injector = SpringExtensionInjector.get(frameworkModel.defaultApplication());
        filter = injector.getInstance(SsoFilter.class, null);

    public Filter get() {
        return filter;

HttpSession Support

Implement SPI

Features Not Yet Supported

  • The request and response objects wrapped in the filter will not function because there are many types of filters supported by REST, and using wrappers can lead to nested handling complexities.
  • The request.getRequestDispatcher is not supported.

Security Configuration

When REST services are exposed directly to the public, there is a security risk of being attacked. Therefore, before exposing services, it is necessary to evaluate risks thoroughly and choose appropriate authentication methods to ensure security. Triple provides various security authentication mechanisms, and users can also implement extensions for access security validation.

Basic Authentication

To enable Basic authentication, modify the following configuration:

    auth: true
    authenticator: basic
    username: admin  
    password: admin

Once enabled, all HTTP requests will require Basic authentication to access.

If RPC calls are involved, the consumer side must also configure the corresponding username and password:

    auth: true
    authenticator: basic  
    username: admin
    password: admin

With this configuration, communication between provider and consumer will use Basic authentication to ensure security. Please ensure strong passwords are used in production environments and consider using HTTPS for secure transmission.

Authentication Extensions

Implement Custom Authenticator

You can customize authentication using SPI org.apache.dubbo.auth.spi.Authenticator, and select the enabled Authenticator through configuration dubbo.provider.authenticator.

Implement HTTP Request Filtering

You can customize HTTP filter logic using SPI org.apache.dubbo.rpc.HeaderFilter or

Global Parameter Configuration

Case Sensitivity

Configuration name:
Whether path matching should be case-sensitive. If enabled, methods mapped to /users will not match /Users.
Default is true.

Tailing Matching

Configuration name:
Whether path matching should match paths with trailing slashes. If enabled, methods mapped to /users will also match /users/.
Default is true.

Suffix Matching

Configuration name:
Whether path matching should use suffix pattern matching (.*); if enabled, methods mapped to /users will also match /users.*, and suffix content negotiation will also be enabled, with media types inferred from URL suffixes, such as .json corresponding to application/json.
Default is true.

CORS Configuration

Configuration NameDescriptionDefault Value of origins permitted for cross-domain requests; may be specific domains or the special value * representing all origins.Not set (no origins allowed) of allowed HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.; a special value * represents all methods.Not set (only GET and HEAD allowed) of allowed request headers for preflight requests; a special value * represents all headers.Not set of response headers that may be exposed to clients; a special value * represents all response headers.Not set to support user credentials.Not set (user credentials not supported) (in seconds) that the response to a preflight request can be cached by the client.Not set

Advanced Usage Guide

Summary of Supported Extension Points

  1. javax.servlet.Filter
    Servlet API filters.
    Supports HttpSession in Servlet API.
    Implements request filters in JAX-RS, allowing for preprocessing requests before they reach resource methods.
    Implements response filters in JAX-RS, allowing for post-processing of responses after they leave resource methods.
    Implements exception mappers in JAX-RS, mapping thrown exceptions to HTTP responses.
    Provides parameter converters in JAX-RS, allowing for converting request parameters to resource method parameter types.
    Implements reading interceptors in JAX-RS, allowing for interception and processing while reading request entities.
    Implements writing interceptors in JAX-RS, allowing for interception and processing while writing response entities.
  9. org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor
    Implements handler interceptors in Spring MVC.
  10. org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.ExceptionHandler
    Provides custom exception handling mechanisms.
  11. org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.message.HttpMessageAdapterFactory
    Provides matching and conversion features for HTTP messages.
  12. org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.message.HttpMessageDecoderFactory
    Provides decoding features for HTTP messages.
  13. org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.message.HttpMessageEncoderFactory
    Provides encoding features for HTTP messages.
  14. org.apache.dubbo.rpc.HeaderFilter
    Implements a header filter in Dubbo RPC, allowing for filtering and processing of request and response headers.
    Header filter adapter that provides access to HTTP input and output capabilities.
    Dubbo Filter REST adapter that provides access to HTTP input and output capabilities.
  17. org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.tri.route.RequestHandlerMapping
    Implements request mapping capabilities in Dubbo Triple.
    Resolves REST request mappings.
    Provides REST-related utilities.
    Provides parameter type conversion features.
    Provides parameter resolution features.
    Provides filtering capabilities for REST requests and responses.
    Provides adaptation capabilities for RestExtension, mapping existing filter interfaces to RestFilter interfaces.

Customize Exception Return Results

You can customize exception handling logic through SPI org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.ExceptionHandler.

public interface ExceptionHandler<E extends Throwable, T> {
     * Resolves the log level for a given throwable.
    default Level resolveLogLevel(E throwable) {
        return null;

     * Handle the exception and return a result.
    default T handle(E throwable, RequestMetadata metadata, MethodDescriptor descriptor) {
        return null;

Implement the SPI and specify the generic E as the type of exception to handle.

  • resolveLogLevel
    Dubbo framework will print log messages for REST handling exceptions; you can implement this method to customize the log level to print or ignore the log.
  • handle
    If the returned result is not null, it will be directly output; you can return an org.apache.dubbo.remoting.http12.HttpResult to customize the headers and status code of the output.

Enable Debug Logging

    "org.apache.dubbo.rpc.protocol.tri": debug
    "org.apache.dubbo.remoting": debug

Enabling debug logging will output detailed startup logs and request-response logs for better issue diagnosis.

Enable Verbose Output

      verbose: true

Enabling verbose output will return internal error stacks to callers and output more error logs for better issue diagnosis.