Access Ingress Traffic

Access Ingress Traffic

1. Preparation

  • kubectl
  • A k8s cluster, with kubeconfig configured

2. Calling Triple Application via Gateway using HTTP Protocol

The Dubbo-go-pixiu gateway supports calling Dubbo clusters in GO/Java. In the Dubbo-go 3.0 scenario, we can request the pixiu gateway via HTTP protocol from outside the cluster, allowing protocol conversion at the gateway layer to further call Dubbo-go services inside the cluster.


The path for users to call Dubbo-go services is http://$(app_name)/$(service_name)/$(method).

For example, if a proto file has the following definition:

package org.apache.dubbo.quickstart.samples;

service UserProvider {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (User) {}

message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

And during the startup of the dubbo-go service, the application name is configured in dubbogo.yml as my-dubbogo-app:

    name: my-dubbogo-app

The pixiu gateway can then resolve the path my-dubbogo-app/org.apache.dubbo.quickstart.samples.UserProvider/SayHello and forward it to the corresponding service. The body of HTTP requests from external sources will be JSON serialized request parameters, e.g., {“name”:“test”}.

Currently, we recommend using Nacos as the registry.

Users can deploy our demo in their own cluster, preferably with the ability to expose a service of lb type, to allow public access to services within the cluster, or requests can be made directly within the cluster.

For your cluster, execute:

$ kubectl apply -f

This will create the following resources in the dubbogo-triple-nacos namespace, including three triple-servers, one pixiu gateway, and one nacos server, exposing the service to the public through Service.

namespace/dubbogo-triple-nacos created
service/dubbo-go-nacos created
deployment.apps/dubbogo-nacos-deployment created
deployment.apps/pixiu created
deployment.apps/server created
service/pixiu created

Get the external IP of the pixiu and make a call:

$ kubectl get svc -n dubbogo-triple-nacos
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP        EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
dubbo-go-nacos   ClusterIP   <none>          8848/TCP         32s
pixiu            LoadBalancer   30.XXX.XXX.XX   8881:30173/TCP   32s

Call the demo service using curl and obtain the response.

$ curl -X POST -d '{"name":"laurence"}' http://30.XXX.XXX.XX:8881/dubbogoDemoServer/org.apache.dubbo.laurence.samples.UserProvider/SayHello
{"name":"Hello laurence","id":"12345","age":21}