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Dubbo Microservices Forum - See You at the ApacheCon Conference in Beijing on August 19

Dubbo Microservices Forum - See You at the ApacheCon Conference in Beijing on August 19!

The Dubbo Microservices Forum will be held on the afternoon of August 19 at the Lihong Huayuan Hotel in Beijing. As a key topic of the CommunityOverCode Asia 2023 (formerly ApacheCon Asia), we will focus on Apache Dubbo and bring you exciting content on the development direction of open-source microservices technology, cloud-native microservices selection, and enterprise practice sharing!

Open the official ticket purchase link, enter the cocasia discount code for a 20% discount!


As the official global conference series of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the annual CommunityOverCode Asia attracts participants from all levels around the world to explore “the technology of tomorrow.” From August 18 to 20, attendees can experience the latest developments and emerging innovations from Apache projects up close at the upcoming CommunityOverCode Asia 2023.