<bean id=“xxxService” class=“com.xxx.XxxServiceImpl” />
<bean id=“xxxAction” class=“com.xxx.XxxAction”>
<property name=“xxxService” ref=“xxxService” />
The remote configuration can be done by very little change based on the local configuration:
into two part, put the service define part into remote-privider.xml
(exists in the provider node), meanwhile the refrence part into remote-consumer.xml
(exists in the consumer node).<dubbo:service>
to the provider’s configuration, and <dubbo:reference>
to the consumer’s configuration.remote-provider.xml:
<!-- define remote service bean the same way as local service bean -->
<bean id=“xxxService” class=“com.xxx.XxxServiceImpl” />
<!-- expose the remote service -->
<dubbo:service interface=“com.xxx.XxxService” ref=“xxxService” />
<!-- reference the remote service -->
<dubbo:reference id=“xxxService” interface=“com.xxx.XxxService” />
<!-- use remote service the same say as local service -->
<bean id=“xxxAction” class=“com.xxx.XxxAction”>
<property name=“xxxService” ref=“xxxService” />
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